Have a fruit or vegetable AND protein FIRST at every meal and snack. This is one of the greatest behavioral and nutritional strategies for weight loss. Protein slows the blood sugar rise, keeps you full longer, and will help you to make better choices throughout the rest of your meal. Definitely don’t ...
Vegetables can taste SO GOOD if prepared correctly. If you learn to enjoy hot, filling, prepared vegetables, they can fill you up so you eat less of the other “filler foods.” Be aware that it is hard to fully enjoy vegetables when you are eating a great deal of processed foods. Your palate will tend ...
Just like baked sweets and goodies, fruits contain sugar that can give you that “feel good” that you might be trying to satisfy. Try some baked apples topped with instant oatmeal and walnuts for a great apple pie substitute.
Halloween in the workplace seems to be a completely different situation than at home, so it requires different strategies. Depending on where you are in your weight loss or maintenance process, your implementation can vary. These strategies can also be applied any time of year when candy is abundant in the workplace. Below are some ...
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but so many people skip it in an effort to save calories. When you skip breakfast, the metabolism actually starts to decline as a result. In addition, skipping breakfast also makes you more likely to struggle with healthy lunch decisions. Adding a ...
Your metabolism is the highest at the beginning of the day and slows from that point forward. Take advantage of this by “front loading” your day. This means eating more of your calories and carbohydrates in the early part of the day. Remember this rule: Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, dinner like ...
Use your accountability partner (or another friend) to help you get some exercise. Studies show that when people exercise together, they are more likely to stick with it. Set regular appointments with your friend, whether at the gym or for walks in your neighborhood. Make sure this is a “no excuses” friend that will hold ...
This may sound funny, but having portable, healthy food with you can really help you stay on track. Keeping an apple and a portable source of protein (100 calorie pack of almonds) is a great strategy so you don’t get trapped and hungry when errands take longer than you think they will. You ...
This is not something that most people do long term, but it is a good idea to try this for at least a short period of time when you are beginning your weight loss journey. You may be surprised how easy it is to underestimate the caloric value of treats. Just logging your food ...
This should always include protein. Extreme hunger almost always leads to overeating. If you have 4 oz. of protein in your body about an hour before the meal, you will have better self control in your choices.
Heart In Motion has helped me lose weight in a way that's not overwhelming. Focusing on small steps makes it easier to stay on track.
I love the philosophy - Making one simple change at a time, I'm losing 1.5 lbs every week.
I love having the videos available when I need them. I play the stretching video on my phone after tennis matches.
I refer to Heart In Motion's recipes all the time for healthy variations. Who'd have ever though a chocolate smoothie with spinach would taste good. This is a great way to get a vegetable in me with a great taste!
What I love most about Heart In Motion are the weekly Q & As. They really keep me motivated.