Last week, we discussed the role of emotions and memories in our food choices during the holidays. This week we have a short education on protein and why it is vital to helping curb your cravings on any day but especially on traditionally carb-filled holidays.
This is part 1 in our series on how to survive the holiday season without losing control or getting off track. There are so many different factors that shape our behavior during the holidays. We will be addressing some of them and discussing ways in which you can work to enjoy this time of the year without deprivation.
Despite the bad rap that the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s celebrations get, I believe Halloween has the potential to do the most damage to your weight. We will certainly be talking soon about how to navigate the holiday season, but for right now, I want to talk about why I believe Halloween has such potential ...
The best laid plans are often thwarted by the most innocent motives. Even if you have instituted strategies for your own candy purchasing for the house and guidelines for the workplace, you still may have to figure out how to deal with the candy that your children have brought home from a night of canvassing the neighborhood.
Exercise can be a difficult thing to work into you daily routine. If you key off of the cumulative effects of exercise, then small frequent exercises can be of great value when incorporated into your daily life. These 5 exercises can be done in a chair at work periodically throughout your day, pick one for ...
I will be the first to endorse clean eating as a great health strategy. It is a great philosophy for better health and often for weight loss. Purging the body of chemicals is a great way to detox the liver and allow the body to start getting rid of unwanted body fat…..but here’s the danger: ...
Stay away from “quick fix” shakes and bars that promise you miracles. There are hundreds of programs out there that have testimonials of great weight loss. There is no doubt that you can lose weight eating only certain foods provided to you by a company…but what happens afterwards? Every day, I work ...
Your body is most receptive to burning carbs for energy in the early part of the day. Having high carbohydrate treats and snacks in the late afternoon and evening is a recipe for fat storage. A great way to “have your cake and eat it too” is to eat them for breakfast or lunch. Pay ...
Avoid “high fiber” foods just because they say they are. When foods have “high fiber” on the front of the package, they are often trying to mask “high sugar.” Fiber is fantastic for your body, but adding fiber to a high sugar bar or cereal does not have much benefit for weight loss. ...
A serving of Fruit Loops has 12 grams of sugar. When you are reading a label, compare the sugar content to this to decide if it is something you should buy. No matter how many calories an item has, if it contains excess sugar, it will get in the way of your fat ...
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Jo An
What I love most about Heart In Motion are the weekly Q & As. They really keep me motivated.
I love the philosophy - Making one simple change at a time, I'm losing 1.5 lbs every week.
Heart in motion has helped me lose all of my baby weight! I use the recipes every week for our family meal planning, and I love that I can access the workout videos from anywhere.
Heart In Motion breaks down weight loss in such a simple, easy to understand way. I am finally able to understand that weight loss doesn’t have to be complicated!