As many of you know from reading our articles, we at Heart In Motion are HUGE fans of magnesium.  More than 600 enzymatic reactions in the body depend on magnesium, and it is estimated that 60-80% of Americans are deficient.  Shopping in the supplement section of the store, you will find a plethora of different types of magnesium, each of which have different benefits.  Read below to find which magnesium is best for you.  To read up on all that we have discussed so far on magnesium, you can search “magnesium” when logged into heartinmotion.

Here are the most common forms of magnesium supplements and the benefits of each.

  • Magnesium Chelate – This easily absorbed form of magnesium is bound to multiple amino acids helps improve systemic magnesium levels quickly.
  • Magnesium Oxide – Mag oxide is commonly used as a therapeutic laxative and treatment for acid reflux.  This form of magnesium is very low in bioavailability (4%) but is better used to move the elimination process along.
  • Magnesium Citrate – The active ingredient in CALM, this form of magnesium is used a more commonly used for improving intestinal regularity.  It is a combination of magnesium carbonate and citric acid and is a highly absorbable form as well.
  • Magnesium Glycinate is the most absorbable form and is least likely to cause changes in elimination habits.  This form of magnesium is fantastic for sleep.  It is also safe for treating a chronic deficiency as it raises blood cell magnesium.  Pure Encapsulations is a great brand.

Magnesium is also used in the treatment/management of several common ailments:

  1. Migraines – Magnesium helps to regulate blood circulation and neurotransmitter function, assisting in the prevention of migraines.
  2. Trouble sleeping?  Try Magnesium glycinate every night to help your body ease into dreamland.
  3. Constipation – Try magnesium citrate on a regular basis for regularity or for relief from occasional constipation.
  4. Relaxation – Magnesium deficiency can help regulate our body’s stress response as magnesium deficiency can also exacerbate our feelings of stress.
  5. PMS and other muscle cramps – Magnesium is fantastic for preventing muscle cramps and is especially great for calming the cramps associated with PMS.

Heart with Leaf


  • Read to see if you think a magnesium supplement might benefit you.  If you are already taking magnesium, look back through the article to see if the form you are taking makes sense for the symptoms you are having.  This list is by no means exhaustive, but the forms listed here are the most common.