Immune boosting is such a vital part of overall health.  From cancer prevention to preventing illness, boosting your immune system is simple and can be integrated into daily food, supplement, and habit changes.  Small changes matter and they are cumulative.  Read below to see how you can add some immune boosters to your daily routine!

  • Zinc – Zinc has been shown to boost the immune system on the cellular level.  This nutrient is a first responder for fighting viruses.  Foods high in zinc include:
    • Pasture raised eggs
    • Grass fed beef
    • Pumpkin seeds
    • Shellfish
  • Vitamin D – This vitamin is actually a hormone produced in the kidneys that its vital for immune system function.  Spending time outside in the sunlight is a wonderful way to both breathe fresh air and absorb vitamin D through the skin.  Consuming foods high in vitamin D is also another great way to make sure you are getting enough like:
    • Fatty fish
    • Cod liver oil
    • Pasture raised eggs
  • Vitamin A – Vitamin A is a great source for fighting viruses.  Some great sources fare foods like:
    • Liver
    • Winter squash (like butternut and acorn)
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Carrots
  • Prebiotics/Probiotics – The immune system starts in the gut, and balanced/healthy gut flora is where it all begins.  Taking a prebiotic and probiotic daily can be helpful for keeping this all in balance.  In addition to taking a supplement, try including foods like these in your diet:
    • Yogurt
    • Kimchee
    • Sauerkraut
    • Kombucha
    • Jerusalem artichokes (prebiotic)
    • Dandilion greens in salads (prebiotic)
    • Garlic and onions (prebiotic)
  • Vitamin C – Perhaps the most well known immune boosting vitamin is vitamin C.  Most commonly found in citrus foods, this powerhouse vitamin is amazing for both keeping you healthy and fighting illness when you are exposed.  Try to include at least one vitamin C containing food per day.
    • Broccoli
    • Bell Peppers
    • Citrus foods (always choose whole food over processed, fortified juice)
    • Brussel sprouts
    • Berries

Heart with Leaf


  • A whole food diet is always the best prevention for disease and illness.  Try to include foods from each of these categories daily for maximum immune boosting potential!