Many people think they do no have issues with dairy because they don’t have traditional allergy symptoms like lip swelling and trouble breathing, but because dairy sensitivity can also manifest a delayed reaction (called non mediated igE), it can be trickier to identify.  Too often, we accept malfunctions in our bodies as “normal” when they really are just “common.”  To restate, just because a malfunction in your body is common (headache, constipation, rash, anxiety, trouble sleeping) does not mean that it is normal.  When our bodies display these types of symptoms, they are trying to tell us something.  Unfortunately, ignoring these symptoms can cause a host of other symptoms and disorders that are more difficult to treat like auto immune disorders.  Once the immune system is triggered by an offending food, the immune system is triggered, causing antibodies to circulate everywhere and damage our weakest organs (hashimoto’s/thyroid dysfunction, type 1 diabetes/pancreatic dysfunction).  Learning to identify and avoid the foods that cause symptoms in our bodies is an important awareness skill to develop in our pursuit of health.

Signs that you might be sensitive to dairy:

  • Fatigue and unexplained weight loss resistance – After a full blood work up to rule out thyroid conditions and other metabolic disorders, consider a dairy free trial to help with fatigue and weight loss resistance.  Weight loss is about so much more than calories, and one of the hidden culprits can be inflammation caused by food intolerances.  Dairy is one of the more common food intolerances, though it can be another food that is causing weight loss resistance.  I have seen two small ingestions of a food trigger cause a 5 lb weight gain in a week, so small amounts really can matter.  A trial of 3-6 weeks dairy free will help you to determine if this is a reason for your fatigue or stalled weight loss.
  • Respiratory symptoms including asthma and chronic sinus issues – Caesin (the other protein in dairy) is responsible for excess mucus production can trigger asthma as well as chronic runny nose, stuffy nose, and sinus infections.
  • Acne, eczema, and chronic skin rashes – Many studies support the phenomenon that there is a direct link between the development of acne and dairy.  In my practice, I have also found that most people who suffer with eczema get some (if not complete) relief when they completely eliminate dairy products from the diet.
  • Joint pain – Studies have also found a strong connection between dairy intolerance and chronic joint pain.  Studies dating back as far as 1986 have shown that many joint symptoms subside with the elimination of dairy.

Heart with Leaf


  • If you struggle with any of these symptoms, consider completely eliminating dairy for a period of 3-6 weeks to see if your symptoms subside.