Following our recent discussion on the Heart In Motion’s favorite essential oils, I wanted to share some of our favorite combinations for fighting illness and prevention as well.  Make sure to go back and read the previous article on our top picks first so you have a base knowledge on some of the best oils and pre-blended oils to keep around your house.  Some of the oils in this article will be additional, and some will be ones you may already have after reading the last article.

Here are a few of my favorite blends and how to use them:

Daily cold prevention:

  • Mix 25 drops each of melaleuca and on guard in 15 ml roller bottle and fill the rest with fractionated coconut oil.  Rub on bottoms of feet daily.  This is especially good to do daily for children when they attend school.

Cold treatment

  • On guard plus gelcaps at least 3x per day plus roller bottle above on feet daily and diffuse on guard
  • If you don’t have on guard plus, and you have empty gelcaps, you can mix 2 drops each of cinnamonmelaleucaon guard, and oregano in gelcaps and take 3x daily for 3-5 days.  Be careful not to get the cinnamon on the outside of the gelcap as it is a “hot” oil.  As with any cold/sickness treatment, time is important.  Start the regimen at the first sign of any symptoms, and be vigilant.
  • Rub breathe oil on chest, bottoms of feet, and diffuse breathe and on guard.

Sore Throat

  • Let on guard beadlet (different and smaller than on guard gelcaps) dissolve on the back of your tongue and swallow to let it coat your throat.  You can also get on guard cough drops which are fantastic!


  • Rub past tense oil on temples and back of your neck
  • If you don’t have past tense, rub peppermint oil on temples and back of neck.  Just be sure to put coconut oil on skin first.


  • Serenity oil is great for anxiety!  You can diffuse it at home and/or put it in a roller bottle for use as needed.

Sleep Blend

  • This is my all time favorite blend for both falling asleep and staying asleep.  Mix the following oils and rub on the bottoms of your feet before sleep.  Even more effective if you do this while diffusing serenity.  25 drops serenity, 25 drops ylang ylang, 15 drops vetiver, 15 drops marjoram

Plantar Fascitis

  • Rub on bottoms of feet minimum 3x daily, but as often as possible if you can do more.  Best used in combination with icing and stretching as well.  12 drops lemongrass, 12 drops marjoram, 6 drops deep blue, 6 drops frankincense, 6 drops peppermint.  Fill rest of roller bottle with coconut oil.


  • Try at the first sign of UTI.  Put 2 drops of lemongrass oil in water 3x day.  Make gelcap with 2 drops each oregano, melaleuca, and cinnamon and take 3x day for 3 days.  Symptoms should start to decrease within 24 hours.  (This is not to take the place of medical advice but to provide an alternative if you wish to treat naturally)

High Blood Pressure

  • Track blood pressure before and one and two hours after using blend to see how it works for you.  I have had clients who were able to stop bp medication and just use oils using this blend.  DO NOT use the oil if you are already taking blood pressure medication.  It could push your blood pressure too low.  Make 15 ml roller bottle with 12 drops helichrysm, 12 drops ylang ylang, 8 drops cassia, 8 drops frankincense, 8 drops marjoram.  Use 1 or 2x a day or as needed.  Be sure to track your blood pressure.

Heart with Leaf


  • Experiment with your oils!  Essential oils are so great for prevention and management of body symptoms.  Please see a physician whenever needed.  These blends are tools to augment (or replace if you choose) medical intervention, but seeking a physician first is advised.