Find some statements that really speak to you (or write your own). These should be uplifting statements that help you stay on track with your health when you are struggling. Keep as many of them as you can find, and post them in a place of prominence in your house. Put up a new one every week, and recycle the old ones periodically. You may find the posting them helps other family members too.
Day 5 – Post Inspiration
Pilates DVD now on sale
Client Stories
- I love having the videos available when I need them. I play the stretching video on my phone after tennis matches.
- I have used many web programs to help me lose weight over the years, but none of them has given me results that last. Using Heart In Motion has allowed me to lose 60 pounds so far by making simple changes every week. This program has completely changed my relationship with weight and food forever!
- I refer to Heart In Motion's recipes all the time for healthy variations. Who'd have ever though a chocolate smoothie with spinach would taste good. This is a great way to get a vegetable in me with a great taste!
- I am a cancer surviver. I had extensive surgery that left me quite weak. I am so grateful for this website as it has given me the challenge to exercise at my own pace.It is also teaching me new ways to eat, foods to avoid, and new foods to add to my diet so as to reduce the chances of my cancer returning. I am making changes in my eating, I am exercising as I have been taught to do through this website. For this I am very grateful!
- Heart in motion has helped me lose all of my baby weight! I use the recipes every week for our family meal planning, and I love that I can access the workout videos from anywhere.